According to the Las Vegas Sun, members of the Nevada State Legislature are heading to Arizona for a tour of that state's medical marijuana dispensaries. The full article is available here. The trip comes at a time when the Nevada Legislature is considering options for allowing medical marijuana dispensaries in Nevada. According to the article, five Nevada Senators and one Assemblymen will head to Phoenix to tour a medical marijuana dispensary and a grow house which were set up under Arizona's new rules. Under Arizona's rules marijuana may be distributed to patients from nonprofit dispensaries. Under the Arizona law marijuana may not be cultivated by any patients authorized to do so who live within 25 miles of a state certified dispensary.
Nevada State Senator Tick Segerblom (D), a Las Vegas attorney, organized the fact finding mission. Senator Segerblom hopes to close the contradiction in Nevada Law which provides for a constitutional right to use marijuana for medical purposes, but prohibits patients from purchasing marijuana. Most people agree that this contradiction in laws is patently absurd and needs to be resolved. Other legislators who will be in attendance include Mark Hutchinson (R-Las Vegas), Scott Hammond (R-Las Vegas), David Parks (D-Las Vegas), Ruben Kihuen (D-Las Vegas) and Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R-Las Vegas).
Senator Hutchinson, a conservative Republican and highly regarded Las Vegas attorney, was quoted as saying "I will definitely support a procedure for safely, securely and legally dispensing medical marijuana because the constitution requires us to do it". At present, Senator Segerblom has a bill pending in the house judiciary committee which would allow for marijuana dispensaries in Nevada. The bill is widely expected to pass the committee and end up before the senate for a possible vote.
Under current Nevada law individuals with debilitating medical conditions may qualify for a medical marijuana registry card. Individuals interested in qualifying for a medical marijuana may visit providers such as the Health and Wellness Center to see if their conditions qualify.
For more information of Nevada Medical Marijuana laws continue reading here.